Aese's Lucky Raffle Spell
Originally published July 10, 2024, on Ko-Fi.
This is a spell I've used for many, many years. I've used it to win all sorts of things, from 50/50 pots and candy to bicycles and event tickets. It's been successful to the point of uncanniness -- my family will hand me raffle tickets to work this magic despite not being witches themselves. They're a superstitious lot, and it's common knowledge that if you want to win a raffle (or other ticketed contest), you ought to hand your tickets over to me!
And now, I'm offering this spell up to you! Note that this spell is very much grounded in the way that I work magic. You'll have increased success if you adjust it to suit your practice's particulars.
Note also that this spell works best with physical raffle tickets. You can do it with digital raffles, but it's definitely more difficult with this particular working. See the spell notes below for details about that.
Spell Instructions
- Obtain however many tickets you like. I tend to go for numbers like three (or multiples of three), five, seven, or ten, but you should pick a number that's been demonstrably lucky to you.
- Often, there are tickets you keep and tickets you write your name on. Before you separate them, or before you cast the tickets with your name on them, hold all of the tickets in your right hand as a long strand, grasping at the edge of the ticket at the end.
(Note: If the tickets are already separated, you'll need to do the following steps for each ticket.)
- Using your left hand, gently grasp the ticket just below where you're holding with your right hand and swipe down the entire ribbon of tickets toward yourself. Do this three times.
- During the third pull, blow a strong puff of air along the ribbon of tickets. Focus on the concept of winning the raffle: You're blowing luck into them. Think of it like blowing on dandelions -- it's the same feeling.
- Move the tickets to your left hand. Repeat the sweeping motion with your right hand from end to end, always toward yourself. On the third sweep, repeat the blowing step as well.
- Repeat the entire swipe-blow-swap, swipe-blow-swap cycle as many times as feels right to you. I tend to do the whole cycle three times for good measure. You should choose a number that, again, is demonstrably lucky to you, specifically.
- Separate the tickets.
- Cast your tickets. I like to give each an air-kiss or blow on them right before setting them into the raffle entries receptacle for extra luck, but that's optional.
- Keep your copies in a secure location on your person until results are announced. I typically put them in an inner pocket of my jeans or coat, or even in my shoe. Don't leave them out somewhere random. If you must leave them somewhere, put them in a container of some sort (bag, box, etc.) and keep them in a safe place where they won't be disturbed.
- Wait for results to come in!
Spell Notes
- If tickets are digital or you won't get to handle them before they're cast, it's a little tougher. I have less success with this, and I'm still tweaking the technique, BUT I've had moderate success with using two strips of paper to simulate the pulling and blowing cycle. One will stand in for the tickets you cast, one will stand for the tickets you keep. Perform the ritual charm as described above. You can "cast" the tickets in a few ways; I've had luck with both burning the submission-proxy tickets and with placing them in a jar similar to a petition. As before, keep the false tickets meant to represent the ones you keep in a safe place on your person until results are announced. You might try writing out a petition and/or sigils on each strip -- describe what each is meant to represent and what they're meant to do for you, then proceed.
- If you make your own physical tickets for a digital raffle, consider the color of your proxy tickets. Green might be the obvious one, but I find yellow and red to also be VERY lucky raffle colors!
- Several of the steps in this spell are based off of personal superstitions I observe. If you have superstitions regarding luck, lucky events, avoiding bad luck, or winning contests of any sort, be sure to account for those in this working. Warding against bad luck (including "rebound" bad luck, especially if you end up winning) or interference will help the spell's efficiency.
- Possible additional steps to this spell might include making your tickets "float" to the top of the pile, making your tickets like magnets to the iron of the drawer's fingers, or causing your ticket to appear more appealing for whoever is drawing lots.
- I recommend keeping your copy of the tickets on your person because it strengthens their connection to you. However, if you employ spirits or work with deities, you could leave the tickets on an altar or other sacred space alongside an offering of some sort to petition their assistance in winning.
End Notes
If you use this spell, please let me know how it goes! I'd be interested to see if this works for anyone else.
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