The Coming Storm: Characters



Our main protagonist and resident pretty boy. Aesind grew up as an orphan taken in by the Traveling Folk, a ragtag collection of "divisions" scattered all around the world. Raised as a storyteller, musician, and cirque performer, Aesind has a strong talent for talking himself in and out of situations of all sorts.

Aesind is a historian of the Folk, a role that he was chosen for by his division's elders when he was 18 years old. His role has three phases: study (learning Folk secrets, current histories, etc.), travel (roaming the world for new stories, information, wisdom, understanding), and mentorship (returning to the Folk to teach and lead). He's currently in his travel phase and may never leave it.

As a bard, Aesind is proficient with several instruments, including: lute, bandore, guitar, panflute, and piano. He owns and will wear a rapier, but he isn't very good with it. He'd much rather use his wits or, if he must, his magic. His talents lie mainly in illusory magics, but he's dabbled in other types, as well.

Appearance + Demographics:

Since he's half elf and half human, Aesind has elongated, pointed ears (not as long as a full-blooded elf, though) and delicate features. He's about 5'10", has lightly tanned skin, green eyes, and long, curly auburn hair. His build is best described as slender. Most frequently is found with his hair braided and in bland travel clothes. He wears a pair of leather gloves at all times. His prized possessions are the silver boots he always wears.

Aesind is 28 years old. His birthday is the day after the Summer Solstice, on the 20th day of the Month of the Sun.

Aesind is a gay, transgender man who uses he/him pronouns primarily, but he doesn't mind they/them. He transitioned socially as a child, then medically as a teenager. He never had top surgery, as he didn't grow breasts due to suppressing his puberty then taking the equivalent of testosterone supplements since the age of 14. Bedroom-wise, he's a vers bottom brat with a penchant for mean, domineering tops.


  • Stubborn
  • Self-centered
  • Curious
  • Observant
  • Lonely
  • Opinionated

A screenshot of a Hero Forge figure. The figure is masculine, with light skin, braided auburn hair, and green eyes. He is dressed in an off-white shirt with a brown vest, dark pants, shiny silver boots, and leather gloves. On his back is a lute, and on the ground is a stack of books.

~> SPOILER ZONE (coming soon) <~



Bryn is introduced as the newest member of the Cloud Chaser crew, the ship transporting Aesind from Leinvoria to Emberglen. His role is that of a navigation expert, assisting the captain with charting a secure course and avoiding nasty weather. He performs other duties on the ship as needed, as he seems able to turn his hand to just about any job put in front of him.

He's a staunch realist with a clear disdain for liars and criminals. For whatever reason, Bryn is bound and determined to stay attached to Aesind's side despite his very obvious, very vocal dislike of the man. They butt heads frequently over their mutual secret-keeping.

Appearance + Demographics:

Bryn is 100% human. He stands at 6'1". His features are squarish, with dark brown eyes, a strong, curved nose, and light brown skin. His dark brown hair is cut sensibly short for easy management. He has a muscular build. Most often, his clothing is plain and serviceable. When not on the ship, he wears a shortsword and carries a bow and quiver. He's a poster child for resting bitch face.

Bryn is 26 years old. His birthday is on the Fifth of Autumn.

Bryn is a bisexual, cisgender man who uses he/him pronouns. He has no preference for gender, but he is a vers top/switch with a soft spot for brats and begging. This man is the biggest masochist on the planet.


  • Proud
  • Honest
  • Aggressive
  • Loyal
  • Hotheaded
  • Follower




Ash is a stowaway who bursts onto the deck of the Cloud Chaser, literally. Despite their suddeen appearance and apparent lack of a voice to explain themselves, the ship's captain welcomes Ash as a guest and temporary crew member. It's unknown where they came from or why they stowed away, as they seem as surprised as everyone else upon realizing where they are...

Ash has a talent for acrobatic feats. They're fast, fearless, and strong despite their diminuitive size. They manage to make themselves understood without speaking by using a language of hand signals.

Appearance + Demographics:

Ash is a tiefling. Their skin is a deep, ruddy red color, and their eyes are a bright golden yellow. Where their horns should be at the top of their forehead are instead two neatly shorn near-black disks. Ash is very short, just barely 5 feet tall. They wear dark, loose-fitting clothing beneath a cloak and deep hood at all times, no matter the heat of the day.

Ash's age and birthday are unknown.

Ash's gender is undefined. Everyone uses they/them pronouns by default, and they don't seem to mind one bit. They are aromantic and asexual.


  • Quiet
  • Patient
  • Pensive
  • Friendly
  • Determined
  • Straightforward

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Archimedes is a time-walker, a person who has gained the ability to manipulate time to his own will. He starts showing up unannounced after Aesind, Bryn, and Ash visit a mysterious island in the middle of the sea in search of an even more mysterious artifact. Archimedes claims that he wants to befriend the trio, but he can't say why. At least, not directly. He becomes particularly attached to Aesind, visiting somewhat frequently to allow Aesind to pepper him with questions.

Archimedes's talents all lie in time magic. He has the power to "walk" through time in order to be anywhere at any time (so long as he knows the Where and When he's aiming for). He can also temporarily pause time, pause individuals in time, and view potential futures as a series of instantaneous visions, among other abilities. Archimedes claims that he's a wizard who taught himself the secrets of time through years of dedicated study.

Appearance + Demographics:

Archimedes is human, but he's so tall, you might mistake him for an elf at a distance. He stands at 6'5" with a medium build. His skin is quite pale, and he has light gray eyes, medium-length wavy blond hair, and angular features. He tends to wear simple trousers, tucked-in button-up shirts, and buttoned vests beneath a long, light brown coat.

Archimedes is 30 years old. His birthday is on the Fourteenth of Winter.

Archimedes is a cisgender, pan-demisexual man who uses primarily he/him pronouns. He's a vers top whose preferences lie in soft domination, willing submission, and body worship. He's the goodest boy around.


  • Solemn
  • Calm
  • Knowing
  • Secretive
  • Persistent
  • Reserved

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