More About Me
So you want more information, huh? Alright.
My gender is an amorphous blob. Like void, but there's something there. I dunno, I've given up trying to define it clearly. The words I use currently to describe myself are "transmasculine non-binary queer person." It's good enough, lol. Sexuality is equally wobbly, erring toward the darker gray edges of asexuality for the most part. Panromantic, though. That's easy.
My big three astrological signs are Libra (sun), Capricorn (moon), and Scorpio (rising). My friend who is big into astrology says "that explains a lot." I don't really know much about astrology, but she said it with a wise nod and big eyes, so. Y'know, whatever that means.
I've been a practicing witch for... uhhhh, [does math on fingers, gives up] over a decade. I started with energy work, spirit work (mostly dealing with ghosts and hauntings), and tarot when I was a teenager. As I've gotten older and deepened my practice, I've come to focus more on practical spellwork, kitchen witchery, wider forms of divination (though tarot is still my favorite!), and a bigger variety of spirit work.
I'm also an author! I have a DnD-inspired fantasy trilogy of novels in the works. The first book, The Coming Storm, is almost done!! I'm hoping to have it finished and edited by the end of 2024 so I can look at publishing in early 2025. My main genre for writing fiction is fantasy, but I've been known to dabble in horror, sci-fi, and romance, too.
I have a passion for TTRPGs! As a Forever DM by choice, I love to build worlds and write adventures for my friends to play in. DnD is the first one, of course, as I've played every edition that's existed. Don't ask me about any of the rules for any edition, I do not remember.
My current preferred TTRPG system is Call of Cthulhu! I'm running a campaign called House Rules for a handful of friends via Discord. Check out my TTRPGs page for details about that. WARNING FOR MY PLAYERS: There might be spoilers over there! Proceed with caution!!
A list of random fun facts about me:
- My favorite colors are purple and yellow (obviously, lol)
- I have a cat named Owlet, who is a very good bad boy (see sidebar for boy picture)
- My favorite jacket is the one from Dan Howell's We're All Doomed World Tour, and I'm not ashamed of it
- More favorites: giraffes, moths, mourning doves, sharks, jellyfish, sandy beaches, sunsets, lilacs, my partner, space, stars
- My partner and I fell in love over our mutual obsession with the rhythm bullet hell game, Just Shapes and Beats
- I'm a middle child
- I collect hats, scarves, tea sets, and novelty mugs
- I ran an illegal poker tournament in high school and won
- My go-to DnD class is Bard
- My go-to DnD creature is half-elf, because my parents used to LARP! My dad's character is an elf, my mom's is human. Thus, half-elf.
- I named myself after a DnD character, who is also the main character of The Coming Storm; his name came from an elf-ified version of a name I was testing out for myself and ended up not using. So, he's named for me, I'm named for him. Ouroboros or whatever.
Interests: (special interests marked with exclamation points, more ! = more obsession)
- My novel (!!!)
- Trigun '98, Maximum, BLR, Stampede (!!!)
- TTRPGs (!!)
- Divination (!)
- Godzilla, Mothra, other kaiju
- Cooking, baking
- Gardening
- Music: EDM, folk, punk
- Shitty match-3 games
- Theatre, musical or otherwise
- Hiking, naturespotting, birdwatching
- Card games: Poker, Skip-Bo, Fluxx
- Board games: Betrayal at House on the Hill, Boss Monster, Life
- Video games: OFF (!), Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Killing Floor 2, Just Shapes and Beats, Rune Factory (!), Harvest Moon
- YouTube + Twitch: Hermitcraft YT/streams (Joel is my favorite), Wild Life SMP, Dan + Phil, Witch of Wonderlust, The Green Witch, James Turner, Seanie Dew; Aye for Scotland, Jame7t, cottoncandylesbo, Tyler Oakley
- Podcasts: The Call by Twisted Gears Studios (!), The Magnus Archives, Hex Positive, My Brother My Brother and Me, The Adventure Zone
Click the images for links to the picrews I used!